Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Oil & Marijuana in Texas

“The big picture thing to keep in mind is we’re going to have less money in our budget in 2017,” said Phillip Martin, deputy director of Progress Texas. This was a quote said by Phillip Martin stating that in the year 2017, Texas will be low in its budget. This is major deal for Texas and being the only hope for it might just be legalizing Marijuana in Texas to be taxed and become a revenue stream for the lone star state. For decades we've been arguing that marijuana is a bad substance for the people. People all over the state will bring out facts about marijuana and explaining that their is zero deaths per year from the cause of marijuana. Apparently, oil prices in Texas have drooped $40 a barrel and cause a negative impact for Texas budget. Another problem in Texas, is that the cost of taxpayers annually for marijuana arrest are $700,000,000. So with oil starting to be a big deal in Texas, this state might just legalize it because it could pump up $44 billion economy by 2020. So, now that we know what can happen if we legalize marijuana in Texas it's not a bad thing anymore. isn't that something! 

sources: http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/2016/03/will-falling-oil-prices-help-push-marijuana-legalization-in-texas-advocates-hope-so.html/


  1. Marijuana in Texas has always been debated. I have nothing agaisnt marijuana. People have abused it and made it into a bad habit and now its considered a drug. There have been many studies that it has helped patients with cancer,turret syndrome and many more things. They even started given it to young kids for their illness. Texas should legalized since they are losing money in oil. I completely agree that it should be legalized and tax it so Texas can make money off it. The only thing i think should be done is to make rules on people that want to consume marijuana,then it would be a more stable. “We don’t want to take something that’s illegal and is a gateway drug … and increase the use of that.” First of all is not a gateway drug, its a medicine. You can't just say its a gateway drug because there are people using it for medication or stress reliever so you can't put everyone under that category. Everyone is different and they consume it for different reasons. i really enjoyed reading the article and i think it was a great choice. The article didn't focus much on the good sides of marijuana but it made an argument on how it will help the economy get a boost.


  2. Taxing Marijuana like we have the past couple of years in Colorado seems to be a good idea like Marcos was saying considering that it made more revenue than projected and that money is also being used for education. Since the oil industry, one of the biggest industries in Texas seems to be going down this could be a perfect way to get more revenue. The problem I see with legalizing marijuana to get this revenue would be that it wouldn't only be for medical use but also for recreational use like it is in Colorado for example. Many people and even tax payers could benefit from this because of the $700,000,000 that we pay because of marijuana arrests. People in high and important places wouldn't really reap the benefits of this such as pharmaceuticals or government agencies that make a living in 'fighting' a so called war on drugs. Let's actually think about this and see if it is something that we would actually get accomplished in a border state where this ‘war’ on drugs continues with no result. If our elected leaders and unelected leaders would let this happen. Make it look like it benefits them and you will see immediate changes but don’t expect them to do anything about it if they don’t see benefits for themselves. Good article overall but I would expand more on the possibilities of it happening and how you would tax it or decriminalize it. At the end of the day whoever wants to do it will might as well make some money out of it.
