Monday, April 25, 2016

LSD and the brain

My comment was on the article, LSD and the brain, from the blog, America the "Great". I've left a comment such as:  when you think of LSD you certainly think of marijuana mixed with ecstasy and peyote and the danger of this drug that cause for a person if taken. it's crazy to think that psychologist can use it for a good thing. This article made think of many different opinions but my main one for this topic is that it should be more tested and more information on how LCD could be more useful.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Oil & Marijuana in Texas

“The big picture thing to keep in mind is we’re going to have less money in our budget in 2017,” said Phillip Martin, deputy director of Progress Texas. This was a quote said by Phillip Martin stating that in the year 2017, Texas will be low in its budget. This is major deal for Texas and being the only hope for it might just be legalizing Marijuana in Texas to be taxed and become a revenue stream for the lone star state. For decades we've been arguing that marijuana is a bad substance for the people. People all over the state will bring out facts about marijuana and explaining that their is zero deaths per year from the cause of marijuana. Apparently, oil prices in Texas have drooped $40 a barrel and cause a negative impact for Texas budget. Another problem in Texas, is that the cost of taxpayers annually for marijuana arrest are $700,000,000. So with oil starting to be a big deal in Texas, this state might just legalize it because it could pump up $44 billion economy by 2020. So, now that we know what can happen if we legalize marijuana in Texas it's not a bad thing anymore. isn't that something! 
